The IES Infanta Elena is an advanced school in the use of Information and Communication Technologies. It is involved in an increasing number of educational programmes: health related plans; Comenius; Judges for Peace; school sport; international school exchanges; reading habit promotion; high-ability students’ support and guidance; and non-compulsory education in the modality of research, among others. This feature shapes our school as an institution open to innovation, educational research and experimentation which has as:



It provides a quality educational service which satisfies both the students, parents and social-labour environment which the school is integrated in. With that purpose in mind, it directs its educational action towards the achievement of the following goals, contained in the School Educational Project:

  • the whole development of human personality
  • training in respect and fundamental freedoms in the practice of tolerance and freedom in the democratic principles of coexistence
  • acquiring study skills and working techniques, at the same time that they learn scientific, technical, humanistic and historical knowledge and the abilities to use of ICT.
  • training required for work
  • preparation for the active participation in socio-cultural life
  • training for peace, cooperation and solidarity between people



The IES Infanta Elena works to:

  • be a leading academic and professional school in the area.
  • integrate the culture of continuous improvement in the school’s everyday functioning, enhancing the satisfaction of the staff working in it by means of providing an appropriate working environment and lifelong learning, as well as the acknowledgement and valuing of the job well done.
  • include business and technological innovation to the academic and professional training plans.
  • enhance the relationship with the rest of the educational centres and the socio-economic environment of the area.
  • create living conditions which favor teaching and learning, as well as team work.
  • answer the needs of the educative community, attaining the best academic results both referring to our students’ school success and their later labour and social integration.
  • be recognized for excellence in management.



We consider it appropriate to foster the following values:

  • To promote respect for the environment by means of a rational and civilised use of its own resources and facilities and those around.
  • To respect people, their ideas and opinions, urging tolerance in the democratic principles of coexistence, established in our Internal Regulations.
  • To foster security and hygiene in our educational environment so that our students can extrapolate these values to their socio-labour environment.
  • To value honesty, responsibility, effort and satisfaction for the job well done.
  • To promote autonomy, creativity and research.
  • To respect our school’s rules and principles with a critical and constructive sense.

Guía de programas y servicios

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Infanta y ¡Acción! Programa TV en TLCJ


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Video promocional Fp

Premio Mejor Web Asociativa 2019

XI Premios Web

Premio Nacional de Educación 13/14

Premio Nacional Educación

Infanta Bilingüe


Datos en directo de nuestra estación:

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Ministerio Educación

Región de Murcia



CPR Murcia

Web Jumilla

IES Infanta Elena - Avd. de la Libertad S/N

30520 Jumilla (Murcia) - Tlf. 968781951 - Fax. 968756507